Saturday, October 10, 2009

Twitter 5 Day Challenge COMPLETED

Update for 5 Day Challenge

This is the last post for the 5 day challenge. I am happy to say I completed all twitter task as assigned which increased followers from 400 to over 1000 in less than a week. The task involved going to to find targeted tweeters to follow. In return they also followed me. Twitter allows you to add 10 percent of your current followers to your account daily. For example if you have 400 you can add 40 a day without being flagged. This number increases over time. It only took about 5-10 minutes to complete this task daily.

The second twitter task was tweeting interesting tweets which I did by sharing quotes, my mentors information, and retweeting other interesting information from people I am following, and holding conversations with fellow tweeters. Since I use it helped me to set up some of the tweets on a automated basis without having to sit in front of the computer all day doing twitter. I like tweeting but I do own other businesses that have daily task done too.

Next I went to my followers who look intersting to find new people to follow. One thing I learned is that not everybody following people I like will follow me. I'm cool with that, my information should be for everybody but some people are just to lazy to do the work it takes to be successful. So I just keep moving to more of the positive people that are showing results.

Other benefits included increasing my online income by having people join some of my programs. I was inspired to update my blog more often to have more interesting content for readers. After spending more time on my blog I was able to figure out how to add sponsored links for advertising. Another benefit I was able to study to learn how to tweet better and more often.

So the 5 day challenge went pretty well. I have so much more I want to accomplish. I will keep you posted on the next challenge. Send any questions to me or just tweet me @magiccashlady.

Have a great weekend.
Happy Tweeting
Atarah The Magiccashlady

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